Gen Con 2021 - Mchezo's first convention experience

We attended our first show! Last week we went to Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN, and showed our puzzles to the gaming fans at the event! We had a great booth with our sister companies Toy Vault and Flying Buffalo.

We left late Tuesday afternoon driving up to Indianapolis from our home in Corbin, KY. After a quick night’s sleep, we got to the dock at 8:00 a.m., and unloaded our pallets and began to setup. Because the air conditioning is so expensive to run in that large space, it isn’t turned on until the show actually starts, so it was pretty uncomfortable in there. We quickly realized that the floor tiles got left behind, and wouldn’t show up for several hours in a later vehicle, so we borrowed some tiles from our kindly neighbors Catalyst Games! We got our new snazzy banners setup, and then the tables. After we had all of that in place, we went about organizing our product, and getting our signage correct. Around 5:30 p.m. Trent and I finished, and wearily returned to our hotel after a nice dinner. The next three days were a whirl of folks stopping by! We met quite a few puzzlers at the show, and lots of gamers with puzzler relatives. By far our most popular puzzle at the show was The Happiest Kid in the World. When the show ended we only had 1 left! The other puzzles in the top four were:
- The Happiest Kid in the World
- Staying Up All Night
- How To Paint a Watercolor Universe
- Ghost Town General Store

We showed off a few new puzzles that should be appearing at our doorstep very soon, including Gradient Moon, Screaming Eagles, Into the First Turn, and Iron Horse no.9.

Sunday after the show closed, we boxed everything up, and began the long drive home, early Monday morning, we finally collapsed in our respective beds. While doing shows is a lot of work, it is a pleasure meeting new folks and introducing them to our puzzles, as well as seeing fans of our puzzles.
Would you go to a show that was dedicated to jigsaw puzzles? What kind of events would you like to see at a Jigsaw show?